SUSU starts charity fundraising to help newborn Polina

Social event "It is real to save" which is held by South Ural State University became a tradition long time ago. Every year the students fundraise to help severely ill children. The organizers of this event are sure that "Saving one life we give hope to thousands".
Polina is the first, long-awaited and stongly loved child in the family of Ergardt-Golovanovy. She was born on the 14th of April 2012. Unfortunately, when that little girl was born it turned out that she had some ptoblems with breathing. The diagnosis is tracheobronchomalacia. From the first days of her life Polina has been connected to the artificial resperating unit as the thin walls of her tracheae and bronchi stretch under the pressure of inhaled air. Moreover, this little girl was born with Pierre Robin malformation (defects of maxillofacial area).
After long searching for the doctors who could help the little girl to overcome the desease the Children's Hospital St. Marien in Landshut (Germany) answered their require.
"If Polina has a proper medical treatment in accordance with the detected diagnosis up to 18 years old she won't have even disability status. She will be completely healthy", - says Aleksandr Ergardt, Polina's father.
The sum of money which is necessary for the medical treatment seems to be enormous for Polina's parents. Father of the girl is the only one in the family who earns money. Mother stays with Polina all the time. The financial issue for now is very urgent as Polina needs examination and medical treatment in Germany as sson as possible. All the servies will cost about 100,000 euro which is too much for the family.
Polina is now only 3 months. How this little girl can stand so many medical procedures as she cannot even cry because of tracheostoma. 
The New Year is the time for miracles, the time for making wishes. The young family of Ergardt-Golovanovy has only one wish, they want Polina to be healthy.
Contact information:
+7 912 778 5881 Natalya (coordinator of the event)
+7 904 803 8491, +7 922 634 7418 Aleksandr (father)
+7 922 014 6594 Ekaterina (mother)
Event date: 
Monday, 3 December, 2012 - 11:45
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