One of SUSU’s Youngest Laboratories Wins the Prestigious Russian Science Fund Grant


At the end of last year in the South Ural region, a neuropathology (study of the liver) laboratory was launched, analogues to which do not exist in the country nor in the world.

This unique laboratory was founded within Project 5-100 for the development of this breakthrough area of studying the molecular mechanisms of chronic stress. The laboratory is part of the Biomedical Technology REC. Its opening was preceded by many years of work by South Ural researchers on the study of the biochemical processes which occur in the human body under stress. More information about this material

The laboratory’s project won a grant from the Russian Science Fund (RSF). This is the first big success for the scientific collective. The laboratory’s work is overseen by leading international researcher in the study of the molecular mechanisms of behavior disorders and stress conditions, Julio Licino from the University of South Australia (Adelaide). The head researcher for the SUSU laboratory is deputy director of science for the HSMB, professor Vadim Tselikman.

RSF contest differed this year from previous years. Current quotas allowed for the support of only the strongest projects across the country. Only 429 new projects were chosen.

The researchers’ project is aimed at the study of the mechanisms for lowering the level of suprarenal cortex hormones under post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). With this illness, doctors often encounter prolonged declining cortisol levels (the stress hormone). There are data about the successful use of hormonal medications in the treatment PTSD. Especially intriguing are the conclusions of Israeli researchers stating that that the timely prescription of these medications allows for prevention of this syndrome. However, untimely prescription doesn’t lead to results, but aggravates the illness. For this reason, the scientific task of our specialists became the study of the reduction mechanisms of the level of hormonal medications – glucocorticoids in PTSD.

At this time, study of these mechanisms is a priority area of work for the laboratory of neuropathology. Researchers are now developing a complex approach for seeking new medications alongside the laboratory of computer simulation of medications. The strategic plans of the laboratory of neuropathology includes the development of non-medicinal methods for treating PTSD as well as the use of new developments by SUSU biological researchers – a line of anti-stress products for prophylaxis.


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