RAS Scientist held a Lecture on Radiation Accidents for Chelyabinsk Students


On December 5th at South Ural State University an open lecture was held by Sergey Panchenko, head of the Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The lecture was held as part of the annual event Christmas Readings.

Head of the SUSU Department of Health and Safety at the Polytechnical Institute, Aleksandr Sidorov offered opening words. He said that this lecture is unique, combining materials from researchers from Russia and Japan. 

The Vice Rector of Research Sergey Vaulin noted that although Christmas is still far away, these readings are an annual event allowing student get closer to real work in their chosen field and hear the opinions of famous researchers of the modern scientific society.

 “The Christmas Readings have become a great tradition of our university. We hope that our students, and in the future, our employees, will continue it,” said Sergey Dmitrievich.

In his presentation, Sergey Panchenko told students about the three largest accidents in the history of humankind at nuclear power plants: Three Mile Island (USA), Chernobyl (Ukraine), and Fukushima-1 (Japan). This global area of research lead to many questions from university students and professors.


Photo by Oleg Igoshin
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Yulia Uzmova
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