SUSU Researchers Win V. Potanin Grant


A team of South Ural State University researchers won the 2016/2017 Grant Contest for Master’s Professors from the V. Potanin Foundation for the development of the linguistic evaluation master’s program.

The grant manager is Olga Aleksandrovna Turbina, director of the Center of Linguistics, professor, doctor of philological sciences, professor of the department of linguistics and translation.

The program developers (participants in the grant project) include:

  • Olga Aleksandrovna Solopova – associate professor, doctor of philological sciences, professor of the department of linguistics and translation;
  • Yekaterina Vladislavovna Vaganova – associate professor, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the department of linguistics and translation;
  • Yuri Nikolaevich Baranov – associate professor, candidate of judicial sciences, associate professor of the department of linguistics and translation;
  • Yekaterina Sergeevna Zherebyateva – deputy director of the Center of Linguistics.

The goal of the master’s program is to train highly-qualified employees able to complete linguistic evaluations on all kinds of discourse, including the linguistic evaluation of court records, at a high level using modern equipment. This includes the general evaluation of speech situations, identification of a personality from a speech recording, determining the authenticity of analogue and digital speech recordings, the discovery of the hidden (implicit) meaning of texts, evaluation of the psychological and emotional status of a discourse author, and so on. This program is based on an order from employers for specialists in this area of training.

We congratulate the whole research team, wish them continuing scientific achievements and successes!

You can address questions about participation in international grants and competitions to the International Affairs Division.


Kseniya Dmitrieva
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