Miklas Scholz


South Ural State University (National Research University)

English proficiency

At the level of a native English speaker

Code and name of the group of scientific specialties for which the postgraduate student will be accepted

1.6 Earth and environmental sciences

List of research projects of a potential supervisor (participation / leadership)

Climate change mitigation for wetlands and sustainable water management for agriculture, among others

List of possible research topics

Wetlands, sustainable sanitation, water management, geoscience, agricultural water management



Research Supervisor:

Miklas Scholz

DProf . ( UoJ ) DProf . (CUT), Prof. (LU) Prof. ( UPWr ) Prof. ( UoS ) DESc ( UoS ) Dr ( Bham ), Cand Ing , BEng ( equiv ), PgC , MSc, PhD, DSc, CWEM, CEnv , CSci , CEng, FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Fellow of the International Engineering and Technology Institute, VINNOVA Fellow, Marie Curie Senior Fellow, Humboldt Fellow, Fellow of IETI, Chair in Civil Engineering ( UoS )

Title (field of study of the supervisor in one phrase)

Sustainable water management in geoecology

Supervisor 's research interests (more detailed description of scientific interests):

Sustainable agricultural water management and recycling of nutrients from the wastewater stream through the use of innovations such as integrated engineered wetland ecosystems and recycling technologies

Research highlights (if available):

Interaction with scientists in Sweden

Supervisor 's specific requirements :

The section is filled in if there are requirements for a graduate student (mandatory background of the candidate / disciplines that he must have mastered / methods that he must own / be able to use some specific software, etc.)

  1. Appropriate level of knowledge on a topic, in particular earth sciences
  2. Interest in laboratory and field work, as well as modeling
  3. Very good command of English (especially written)

Supervisor's main publications (indicate the total number of publications in journals indexed by the Web of Science or Scopus for the last 5 years, write up to 5 most significant publications with imprint ) : 

  1. More than 80 articles in reputable scientific journals over the past 5 years
  2. High rated publications in journals "Global Change Biology", "Journal of Environmental Management" and "Agronomics"
  3. Salimi S., Berggren M. and Scholz M. (2021), Impact of future climate change scenarios and groundwater level management on the functioning of peatlands as carbon sinks. Magazine « Global change biology . 27, 5154–5168. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15753.
  4. Almuktar S., Abed S.N., Scholz M. and Uzomakh V.S. (2021) Evaluation of the development of capsicum ( Capsicum annuum L.), grown in controlled and semi-controlled environments, irrigated with domestic wastewater treated by floating marsh ecosystems. Agronomy magazine . 11, 1817. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11091817.
  5. Alavi O.A., Abdelrazek A.H., Aldelmi M.S., Ahmed V., Hussein O.A., Gafel S.T., Keder K.M., Scholz M. and Yasin Z. (2021) , Heat transfer and hydrodynamic properties using various metal oxide nanostructures in a horizontal concentric annular tube: An optimization analysis. Nanomaterials . 11, 1979. https://doi.org/10.3390/nano11081979.
  6. Krispim M.S., Scholz M. and Nolasko M.A. (2021), Biogas Capture for Sustainable Cities: A Critical Review of Improvement Methods and Key Local Conditions for Implementation. Magazine "Sustainable Cities and Society". 72, 103033. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2021.103033.
  7. Salimi S. and Scholz M. (2021), Effects of future climate change scenarios on peatlands and water quality in engineered wetland ecosystems under groundwater level management: A mesocosm experiment in climate chambers. The Journal of Environmental Management. 289, 112459. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112459.


Results of intellectual activity 

Scholz M. (2018), Sustainable Water Resources Management: Engineering Solutions for Changing Climate Conditions. Elsevier publishing house , Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 353 pages. ISBN 9780128162460.


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