03.04.01 Applied Mathematics and Physics

03.04.01 Applied Mathematics and Physics

Major: Physical and Chemical Mechanics of Continuous Media

Level: Master's degree programme

Duration of training: 2 years and 6 months

Degree certificate: Diploma

Mode of study: full-time

Language of study: Russian

Programme manager:

Iurii Kovalev, Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Professor

Description of the educational programme:

Graduates of the programme are specialists in the field of mathematical models of mechanics of multi-component environments, fast-moving physical-chemical processes; development of new algorithms and computer programs for scientific research and applied purposes. The program is implemented together with VNIITF ROSATOM and the students carry on scientific activity under the supervision of leading scientists of VNIITF ROSATOM.



Room 702, Main University Building, 76 Lenin Prospekt

Tel.: +7 (351) 267-90-15

E-mail: pmfdek[at]susu[dot]ru

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