38.05.01 Economic Security (Bank Servicing of Federal State Bodies, which Ensure Security of the Russian Federation)

Major: Bank Servicing of Federal State Bodies, which Ensure Security of the Russian Federation

Level: Specialist programme

Duration of training: 5 years

Degree certificate: Diploma

Mode of study: Full time

Language of study: Russian

Programme manager: Anzhelika Karpushkina, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor

Description of the educational programme

The Bank Servicing of Federal State Bodies, which Ensure Security of the Russian Federation programme is targeted at training highly qualified specialists in command of profound professionally-specialized competencies in the field of applied analysis of economic processes and phenomena for ensuring economic security in the banking sector, what allows to freely navigate the basics of banking, banking legislation, accounting and audit of the activities of financial and credit organisations, national payment systems, and banking safety. Within the framework of the specialization the following aspects are studied:

  • technologies for calculating the economic and socio-economic indicators of banking activity based on standard techniques;
  • methods for preventing, detecting and suppressing violations in the formation and use of state and municipal financial resources;
  • methods for assessing possible economic losses in case of violation of economic and financial security, and determining the necessary compensation reserves.

Field of future profession

The specialists are trained for conducting professional activity in a particular sphere, what implies independent production and socio-economic activity on analyzing, designing and organizing of work in the field of economic security.


Room 124, University Building No.3б, 87 Lenin Prospekt
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-99-12
E-mail: kes[at]susu[dot]ru; efir[at]bk[dot]ru


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