SUSU Accepted as a Member of the European Journalism Training Association


The scientific research conference for the European Journalism Training Association (EJTA) was completed in Tbilisi, where SUSU along with the leading schools of journalism from universities in England, Austria, Spain, Germany, and Ireland were accepted as institutional members of the EJTA.

South Ural State University’s presentation was led by dean of the Faculty of Journalism, doctor of philological sciences, Lyudmila Shesterkina, and doctor of philological sciences, professor Lidiya Lobodenko. Attendees rated the SUSU faculty of journalism’s level of experience in organizing journalist education using multimedia integration of university mass media, the system of 360-degree convergent newsroom and video prepared by TRK “SUSU-TV” in English very highly. SUSU was accepted into EJTA unanimously.

The European Journalism Training Association was founded in Brussels in 1990. It joins around 60 journalism centers, schools, and universities from 24 countries of the world. The Association’s most important goal is the stimulation of European cooperation in the area of journalistic education and also the development of a modern professional approach to managing journalism training.

The participation of SUSU in the activities of the European Journalism Training Association will allow for the organization of new scientific education in the area of integrated communications on the European level, develop student and professor exchange programs, represent and defend professional interests in contacts with institutional partners such as the European Commission, UNESCO, and different associations.


Contact person: 
Yulia Shamsutdinova, tel.: 267-99-83
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