Association of International Students Presented Interesting Events to Students from Different Countries for the Entire Academic Year


The Association of International Students of South Ural State University in cooperation with the International Office has developed a plan of cultural and leisure events for the 2020-2021 academic year for the international students, where everyone will be able to find something to his/her liking.

This plan includes the events in various fields: social and cultural events, national holidays and sports competitions, which not only international and Russian students, but also the academic staff members can take part in. The Association is interested in attracting as many people as possible who would learn about its activities and culture of different countries of the world.

“We try to hear the students, what events they want, or what they need the most, because this is what the Association has been created for. This year has shown how important it is to be ready for the changes and be able to adapt to the situation. In addition to traditional events, we have planned several new online projects,” said Valeria Chachina, specialist of the International Student Support of the International Office.

Most of the events have become annual, such as tournaments in various sports, Chinese New Year, Arab and African Culture Days, Nowruz, a food festival, and more. Also in April 2021, the biggest festival Ural Fest will be held for the second time, which will bring together international students and alumni from all over the Ural Region.

Some events have been included only this year: an e-sports tournament, the launch of a YouTube channel, and an online talent competition for international students in Chelyabinsk.

More information can be found in the VK group of the Association of International Students.

Марина Ковязина
Contact person: 
Отдел интернет-порталов и социальных медиа, 267-92-86
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