67 Academic Programs Await Future Postgraduate Students

The successful completion of a Master's degree is no reason to rest on your laurels. Many students choose to continue their studies on the next rung of the educational ladder as postgraduates. Earning an academic title gives you an opportunity not just to complete research, but also opens broad prospects in the future. South Ural State University has everything required for this to offer you.

Beginning in the 2022-20223 academic year, postgraduate education (state-funded or contract-based) will only be offered in a full-time format with the period of studies being 3–4 years, depending on the chosen specialty.

"This year state-funded scholarships are not allocated to all specialties, so to successfully participate in the admissions competition, future applicants should already be taking the upcoming admissions campaign seriously and diligently preparing for their entrance examinations," says the Head of the Centre for Doctoral Studies Natalia Shaburova.

As of 2021, many scientific specialties in Russia have been renamed. Previously students could choose from 26 directions and 80 specialties, but this year, due to the reorganization of the academic programs, they will be able to choose from 67 scientific specialties.

After admission, graduate students create an individual work plan with their research advisors for the entire period of study, which includes a plan for scientific and academic activities. The topic of the dissertation must be approved within 30 days—not 3 months as before.

During their studies, each graduate student will be required to prepare their thesis, pass three required candidate examinations, and publish 2 or 3 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

The most important change will affect graduates. The final attestation of postgraduate students will be a preliminary dissertation defence. After successful completion of the preliminary defence, the postgraduate students will receive their results and will then be able to submit their work to the dissertation council.

"One important new feature is the possibility of employing postgraduate students as university staff. This is a great opportunity for postgraduate students to concentrate their efforts on their scientific activities and have time to prepare their dissertation during their studies. It is worth noting that students studying under the new programs will no longer be awarded postgraduate diplomas, instead they will receive a certificate of graduation. Therefore, the defence of the Master's thesis is now the purpose of postgraduate education", says the Head of the Centre for Doctoral Studies Natalia Shaburova.

Our university has everything young researchers need: a powerful research infrastructure, including more than 40 scientific laboratories and centres with the most advanced equipment, the opportunity to participate in international projects, competitions, grants and internships, and unlimited access to Russian and foreign publications.

Applications for the postgraduate program will be accepted from July 1 through July 15, 2022 for state scholarships and from July 1 through August 26 for contract-based study. Application can be submitted remotely through the university portal or in person in Room 504 of the SUSU main building. All additional information about admission is available on the website.

We look forward to seeing you in a postgraduate program at South Ural State University and wish you success in your exams!

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