I Want to Know Everything with SUSU: Morning Warm-up

Morning warm-up is an important part of a person’s awakening after a long sleep. It has a quick overall tonic effect on the body, vitality and ability to work. Vitaliy Epishev, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sport, Director of the SUSU Sport Science Research Centre spoke about the most efficient way to do morning warm-up.

Morning hygiene exercises are very important. Before getting out of bed, it is recommended to do exercises for your joints: move each joint at least 10 times. For example, move your toes and ankles in different directions, then do the butterfly exercise, and move on to the spine and cervical spine cord.

What is this warm-up needed for? First, to activate blood circulation in the joints, which have been motionless for a long time. This prevents blood pressure spiking when awakening. Second, this is how you prepare your joints for experiencing certain strain during the day. All this increases the potential of your performance for the whole day.

If you do some heavy exercises in the morning, then the risk of getting injured increases. Doing push-ups and squats is only advisable for those who are engaged in heavy physical activities on a regular basis. Morning hygienic gymnastics helps to start the body’s supply mechanisms, and the strengthening of muscle tissues should be done during training.

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