Scientists of the Institute of Sports, Tourism and Service Presented Their Reports at One of the Major Congresses in Russia

The 24th Congress of Pavlov Russian Physiological Society, one of the oldest scientific societies in Russia, was held in Saint Petersburg.

For five days, more than 800 participants have been discussing various current developments in the field of physiology of body systems, molecular and clinical physiology, and also addressed issues related to the manifestations of stress and stress resistance.

"Factor Structure of the Functional-metabolic State of the Blood System at the Basic Stage of Skiers Training" was the topic of the report by scientists from the Institute of Sports, Tourism and Service: Anastasia Bakhareva, Candidate of Sciences (Biology), Associate Professor; Anna Nenasheva, Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sport of the Institute of Sports, Tourism and Service, Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Professor; Dariia Shibkova, Chief Research Fellow of the Sport Science Research Centre of the Institute of Sports, Tourism and Service, Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Professor.

Another topic discussed at the congress by the scientists of the Institute of Sports, Tourism and Service (Yarysheva V., Shibkova D., Bayguzhin P.) was the sensitivity and specifics of cardiac remodelling markers in adolescent athletes.

“I am glad that I had an opportunity to present my scientific work at such a huge congress. We conducted research that allowed us to determine the influence of various factors on the state of the blood system of skiers at the basic stage of training. I hope that our results will be useful for specialists in the field of sports medicine and physiology and will help improve the training process of athletes,” shared Anastasia Bakhareva.

The Congress is included in the list of events organized as part of the 300th Anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Decade of Science and Technology. Scientists from the Institute of Sports, Tourism and Service continue to actively work on their research and hope that their results will be useful for the development of sports medicine and sports technology as a whole.

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