5.8.7 Methodology and Technology of Vocational Education

Level: Postgraduate studies

Duration of training: 3 years

Degree certificate: Postgraduate studies certification

Mode of study: Full time

Language of study: Russian

Research advisors:

  1. Irina Kotliarova, DSc (Pedagogy), Professor 
    Field of Research: Theory of Continuing Education, Innovation Systems in Education
    Теl.: +7 (351) 267-95-56, e-mail: kotliarovaio[at]susu[dot]ru

  2. Gennadii Serikov, DSc (Pedagogy), Professor
    Field of Research: Human Resource Management; the System-synergetic Concept of Human-centered Education
    Теl.: (351) 267-95-56, e-mail: serikovgn[at]susu[dot]ru

Programme Description

The field of professional activity of the graduates includes the research on the pedagogical processes, educational systems and their patterns; developing and using of pedagogical technologies for solving the tasks of education, science, culture, and social sphere.

The objects of professional activity of the graduates, who master this postgraduate programme, are the educational and sociocultural systems, the processes of training, educating, developing, socialization; pedagogical expert review and monitoring.

Career prospects

Types of professional activity

  • research-and-development activity in education and social sphere;
  • teaching the academic programmes of higher education.

This postgraduate programme aims at training the graduates to master all the relevant types of professional activity.

The main topic of the programme is education management and pedagogical facilitation to the human resources development.

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