37.04.01 Psychology (Counselling)

Major: Counselling Psychology

Level: Master’s degree

Duration of training: 2 years

Degree certificate: Diploma

Mode of study: Full time

Language of study: Russian

Programme manager: Galina Gorelova, Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Professor

Description of the educational programme

The programme is unique for its practice-oriented training with the use of modern approaches to counselling, methods of art therapy, and group psychotherapy. The main principle when training psychologists is the individual approach.

Within this educational programme project-based learning is being fulfilled for Master's degree students: psychological support, counselling and program-and-information support for the social workers and psychologists working with citizens in hardship.

Field of future profession

The field of professional activity for the Master's degree programme graduates is the solving of complex tasks in education, healthcare, culture, management, as well as in administrative authorities, research-and-development and consulting organisations.


Room 372а, 76 Lenin Prospekt
Tel.: +7(351)267-94-04
E-mail: deppsytest[at]rambler[dot]ru


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