40.03.01 Jurisprudence (State Legal, Criminal and Civil Law)

Major: State Legal, Criminal and Civil Law

Level: Bachelor’s degree programme

Duration of training: 4 years

Degree certificate: Diploma

Mode of study: Full time

Language of study: Russian

Programme manager:

Heads of specialized departments:

  • Elena Titova, Ph.D. (Law), Associate Professor,
  • Irina Beliaeva, Ph.D. (Law), Associate Professor,
  • Galina Demidova, Ph.D. (Law), Associate Professor,
  • Valentina Kvanina, Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor.

Description of the educational programme

The curriculum covers legal courses, the knowledge of which is in demand in the implementation of professional occupation in both public law (state) and private law (commercial) spheres. The main emphasis in training is the formation of the knowledge and skills related to ensuring strict observance of the law in the implementation of rulemaking and the requirements of the provisions of law, ensuring the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the citizens and organisations.

Students study all the main branches of law (constitutional, civil, criminal, administrative, etc.) and can interpret and apply various legal acts. Special attention is paid to the fundamentals of the activities of state and local authorities, the peculiarities of law-making, ensuring the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the citizens and organisations, the control and supervision of the state.

The implementation of the educational programme is provided by academic and teaching staff with basic education corresponding to the specialization of the courses taught, academic degree or experience in the relevant professional field.

The main goal of the educational programme is to train qualified lawyers with competencies relevant to working in the legal services of organisations and enterprises, in court, law enforcement agencies, and defence attorneys.


Director’s Office of the Institute of Law: Room 240, Main University Building, 76 Lenin Prospekt, Chelyabinsk 454080
Telephone: +7(351)267-93-41
Web-site: https://law.susu.ru/

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