38.04.08 Finance and Credit (Financial Justification of Engineering Solutions in Industry 4.0)

Major: Financial Justification of Engineering Solutions in Industry 4.0

Level: Master’s degree programme

Duration of training: 2 years

Degree certificate: Diploma

Mode of study: Full time

Language of study: Russian

Programme manager: Irina Solovieva, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor

Description of the educational programme

This Master’s degree programme is aimed at training specialists and heads of industrial enterprises, who, based on the assessment of the economic consequences of engineering solutions, are capable of selecting and organizing the fulfilment of the most efficient projects.

The Master’s degree students obtain the following professional competencies:

  • Financial justification and assessment of the economic consequences of engineering solutions;
  • Management of the fulfilment of financially- and cost-effective engineering projects;
  • Financial and economic assessment of start-ups and the organization of an independent business.


Room 310а, 310
Tel.: +7(351)267-92-81, +7(902)891-08-50
E-mail: baevia[at]susu[dot]ru

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