29.03.04 Technology of Material Artistic Processing

Major: Technology of Artistic Processing of Non-Traditional Materials

Level: Bachelor’s degree

Duration of training: 4 years – full time, 5 years – part time

Degree certificate: Bachelor’s degree

Mode of study: Full time, part time

Language of study: Russian

Programme manager: Victor Abramovich Livshits, +7(351)775-15-80, livshitcva[at]susu[dot]ru

Description of the educational programme

This program combines the visual skills of a modern designer and the ability to work with various materials. At the end of the training, the student performs research project, which includes not only the creation of an art product design, but also its production (in the material form).

The education program includes four units of specialized disciplines:

  • artistic disciplines that provide skills in the field of visual and applied arts (drawing, painting, colour science, composition, design, sculpture and modelling, history of styles, artistic painting of materials),
  • IT-disciplines that provide skills of working with modern graphic programs (vector and raster editors, desktop publishing systems, 3D-editors) - an integral part of the skills of a modern designer;
  • technological disciplines that provide knowledge and skills in two directions - interior (interior decoration technology, decorative products manufacturing technology, glass and wood art products) and textile (design of fabric products, artistic knitwear and embroidery, batik and felting);
  • technical disciplines that provide an understanding of the properties of various modern materials, methods of their processing and equipment for carrying out such processing (artistic materials science, materials coating, material processing technology).


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