11.03.02 Infocommunication Technologies and Communication Systems (Mobile Communication Systems)

Major: Mobile Communication Systems

Level: Bachelor's degree 

Duration of training: 4 years

Degree certificate: Bachelor's degree 

Mode of study: Full time

Language of study: Russian

Programme manager:

Vladislav Novikov, Associate Professor
Tel.: +73512679216
E-mail: ict[at]susu[dot]ru

Description of the educational programme

Students learn:

  • modern systems, networks, technologies and standards for mobile communications;
  • switching systems in communication networks;
  • radio transmissions, radio receivers;
  • methods of generating signals for transmission in mobile communication systems;
  • ways to ensure the security of information transmission in communication systems, noise immunity;
  • operational and service maintenance of information and communication devices and systems.

Students get a great theoretical and practical experience in methods, algorithms and devices for discrete signal processing, as well as methods for their implementation. This allows graduates to immediately engage in operational and production work at relevant communication enterprises.


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